
Christmas No-Bake Recipe #4

You are the nicest people! Thank you so much for all of the very sweet and kind comments to the Christmas Yarn Giveaway!! It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy to read your comments and to send one of you out this scrumptious skein of fingering Plucky goodness. Hugs and good Christmas cheer to you ~ you are really the BEST! If you haven't left a comment yet and would enjoy giving this green yarn a new home then please leave a comment on the giveaway post by Christmas Day.

We had a 3rd major snow storm yesterday and there's another forecast for Christmas Eve. The pristine whiteness of the snow cover is so clean and bright it just puts me into a good mood. Too bad it takes us hours of shoveling, plowing and using the tractor and giant blower to dig out from under all this stuff. Nicole went tobogganing with friends and was chilled but had a great time. The city is glistening and the farm it looks like a post card Winter Wonderland. This morning has been chores, errands and grocery shopping. I just made up more cookies and plan to spend a much anticipated afternoon of knitting and watching tv and listening to Christmas CD's. This no-bake is a great bite-sized treat.


Melt in a bowl over hot water:

1 cup chocolate chips
3 tablespoons butter or margarine

Blend in 1/4 cup of sifted icing sugar.

Add 2 cups of desiccated coconut.

Drop from teaspoons onto wax paper. Chill for 30 minutes. Store at room temperature.

Makes approximately 2-1/2 dozen cookies. Enjoy!


  1. Oooh, I may need to make some of those "cookies." Have a great holiday!

  2. I think you and I are one in the same :)
    We got a ton of snow too, and i'm happy as a lark! I love snow and snow storms! Moose isn't loving it right now trying to plough with the tractor... the snow is so havy this time around it doesn't want to move it at all.

  3. Tobogganning! Wow! That sounds like such a fun time - so why aren't you out there?

    Your drop cookies look wonderful. Coconut and chocolate. Yummmmmy.

  4. Yummy!! Thank you for the recipe!

  5. I love no-bakes...and these sound yummy! I haven't been on a sled in years...maybe I should rethink it!

  6. The cookies sound so scrumptious. I just wanted to wish you a lovely Christmas and a most blessed holiday season.

  7. What a generous soul you are Renee. Merry Christmas!
