
Quilted knitting bag

Made from fabric scraps this little bag rocks for small knitting projects and socks. The squares are cut at 3-1/2 x 3-1/2 inches stacked in 3 rows of 4 on each side. There's a 3-1/2 inch wide strip for the bottom so this bag can sit up nicely. The quilted handles are comfortable and sturdy. I used fabric spray adhesive between the layers and quilted it in the ditch on my sewing machine while it was still flat before I lined it with the bull rush fabric. Next time I'll use a different fabric for each square for a scrappier look.

I'm stashing cut-to-size fabric squares to make more bags as gifts. Next time I'll add a magnetic closure and maybe a piece of plastic mesh in the bottom. I'll probably sew up some 5 x 5 inch square bags too. It's a fun project that can be finished in an afternoon to use up leftover bits from quilts.


  1. This is gorgeous! I love the colours. I've got a ton of quilt stash that I didn't think I'd be able to use, but I love this idea, so thanks!

  2. Love this Renee! The earthy tones are really gorgeous!

  3. What an awesome project bag! I love the fabric you used ~ it's very appealing.

  4. Thanks for the kind words. I appreciate them. I like your tote. Did you line it?

  5. great bag...earthy,warm pretty and functional!!

  6. Wow! Does your Not Noro scarf ever look great inside that bag! Good idea getting a jump on Christmas!
