
1/2 full

Thank you everyone for the kind words and support. They are very appreciated and you are wonderful people. There's no sign of the truck or tools. I'm feeling like the glass is half full, so I'm mostly out of my funk ~ thanks goodness.

I've been knitting when I can and it's definitely been zen for me, helping me relax after the events of last week. This is the progress so far. I plan to knit all evening and hopefully finish it tonight, block it and have it ready to gift.

I'm headed out of town tomorrow to visit dear friends and enjoy a day at a big dog show as a spectator. In particular I'm going to see the Poodles! That will definitely put a smile on my face. Have a wonderful weekend everyone.


  1. Poodles! I've seen 2 black poodles in the last week and they are making me pine for a dog!

  2. Very pretty scarf. Hope things start getting back to normal for you. A few months ago someone broke into our garage, (when my daughter and I were at home), and stole some of my husbands valuables. I felt so bad that I didn't hear anyone. It takes time to re-adjust but you will be able to soon. Hopefully the police will find the truck and the A-holes that did it!

  3. Oh, how fun! And the scarf is very pretty.

  4. i must've missed your last post; i had to go searching for the post before this one to see what you'd lost! how horrible to have something stolen. my MIL's home was broken into, everything in her bedroom turned upside down. i don't know how she slept that first week... i hope that your truck and belongings are found sometime soon...
    i love the brown scarf, though!

  5. Hope you have a fun day at the dog show, get your mind off things!
    Your scarf looks great, someone will be warm and happy in it!

  6. Dogs are always a good stress-release, so going to a dog show sounds wonderful. I've never been but wish I could. Have a great time!

  7. The scarf is beautiful and I'm looking forward to seeing it all blocked and finished!

    Go have a wonderful time at the dog show and just enjoy not thinking about anything but those beautiful amazing dogs!

    PS - speaking from experience - how a beagle ever concentrated long enough to perform and win at Westminster is a complete mystery to us - LOL

  8. Yeah! The glass is always half full when you have wonderful poodles in your life! Love the scarf! Hope you got some modeled pictures at the show!

  9. I am just catching up on blogs after a gross work week, and just read your post before this one...all I can say is how horrible and disgusting and whoever did it will suffer the consequences because I am a firm believer that whatever karma you spread will come back to one ten-fold. I can't say enough words to make you feel better, I know I would be angry and devastated myself if something like that happened. Hugs, hugs, mega-hugs and I am channeling all good things in your direction.

  10. have fun with the dogs..the shows always make me miss my Jesse more...so I don't watch often...and I do so hope things will be round to normal for you soon xx...beautiful scarf Renee.

  11. have fun away...hope it gives a re-charge

  12. Enjoy the show Renee! Glad you're feeling a bit better and don't forget to take your knitting!

  13. sorry to hear your news Renee.....
    Hope you have a lovely dog show :)

  14. I hope you had a fun, relaxing weekend at the dog show.

  15. ooh, can't wait to see this knit!

  16. Have a great time! The scarf is looking lovely.
