
Hello Spring!

It's finally here!  Very late - odds are we'll be flung right in to hot and humid summer shortly, but after a long winter that's just fine by me.  Bring on the allergies and mosquitoes (also known as the Canadian Air Force), it's worth it to see green and feel warm sunshine and bright blue skis.  Around here that means it's time to indulge in annuals.  The growing season is pitifully short here in South Western Ontario - but what there is of it we enjoy.
North facing front garden in-progress
Our front yard garden has always been very small.  Well, grown a little bit each year as I edge in a few inches every year to sneak some more size to it.  Don loves his lawn, I'm greedy and want more garden space...  this year I just dug in and expanded a bunch.  The garden is still tiny, but doubled in width under the living room window and expanded about 2 feet along the walkway.    Divided up my hostas and spread them out.  Once they're opened up more it'll be purdy.  I'll take pics again soon when everything is leafed out.    

It's with sadness I share that we lost Hunter, who passed away last month.  He had a ton of character and was a real ham.  Rest well, old man, you'll always be in our hearts.  These pics were of Hunter in his younger days, this is how I remember him most - always grinning and having a good time.

On the knitting front, I've only pick up the needles to get the first border done on McCafferty, once I have the gardens and lawn at the farm (acres of it, seriously it could stop raining already...) under control I'll have a little more time to sit and knit.  This weekend is the Poodle Club of Canada Regional and National Specialties so I'll be off playing with dogs.  Have a great one yourself, hope you're doing something you enjoy.